Project: Culvert R & R on Erkkilla Road, area is marked
Completion Date: Estimated June, 2023, as weather and materials access allows. Exact date dependent on culvert delivery date
The Town of Oulu is seeking estimates for the removal and replacement of a culvert on the west end of Erkkilla Road (marked) in the Town of Oulu. The project will also include a gravel lift of approximately 6 inches extending east and west from the top of culvert, tapering to present road base approximately 25 yards on either side of the new culvert. R & R must meet criteria outlined in State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources checklist “Culvert Replacement - Same Location - Exemption Checklist #12 (R 06/2019)”
The Town of Oulu will provide the road grader and operator to assist in the roadbed lift and taper as necessary and appropriate.
The project will consist of:
Removal of the damaged culvert currently in place
Preparation of the trench to accommodate new culvert placement
Placement of 60’ long, 72” diameter squash pipe culvert provided by Town of Oulu
Placement of 2 loads Pack-sand for leveling, as needed
Placement of 6 loads minimum, ¾ DOT spec gravel provided by contractor
Placement of 4 loads minimum 8” breaker run for armoring provided by contractor
Extra sand, breaker run, and gravel, if needed, charged at bid rate
Fabric & silt fence for erosion control
Placement of geofabric as appropriate for stability and longevity of project
The contractor must have the financial ability, equipment, proof of all necessary insurance including, but not limited to, liability insurance and workman’s compensation insurance, and experience, for the protection of the public to complete the job from start to finish
Please mail culvert estimates to Diana Reijo, Clerk, 71530 Hoover Line Road, Iron River, WI 54847. Deadline for estimates: May 10, 2023.
The town reserves the right to accept or reject any or all of the estimates or part
thereof as determined to be most advantageous to the town.
Notice Posted: April 22, 2023 Oulu Town Hall & Town Web Site:
BY: Diana Reijo, Clerk