The October 9, 2024 Town of Oulu regular board meeting was called to order by Jonathan Hamilton, Chair at 6:45pm at the Town Hall.
Roll Call: Members present: Jon Hamilton, Ed Burhans, Adam Mattson, Diana Reijo, Clerk and Margie Lahti, treasurer. Town employee/s: Jeremy Gordon and Michael Davidson.
Approval of Agenda: Motion by Mattson, second by Burhans to approve the agenda as printed and posted. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Consent Agenda:
Approve general fund vouchers 14811-14813, 14822-14843 ACH 677-685
Minutes of the September 11, 2024 Regular Board Meeting
Motion by Mattson, second by Burhans to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Treasurer’s Report: General/ARPA/Park Donations – $186,536.30 Tax $ 57,404.50
Plan Commission Report:
Rezoning application: Parcel 27154 (5.75 acres) and parcel 27156 (3 acres) in the NW1/4 Section 28; 3795 County Highway B.
Rezone from Residential-2 to Forestry-1.
o Stated purpose: to allow the potential for future construction of a storage facility on one or both of the parcels.
o Owner: Yellow B LLC
o Agent: Sandi Eberhard
o Parcels are zoned R-2
o Existing Land Use: parcel 27154 is Commercial and parcel 27256 is Forested/Open
o Space (Oulu Comprehensive Plan).
o Future Land Use: General Mixed Use (Oulu Comprehensive Plan).
o General Mixed Use lands are lands suitable for a mix of residential, commercial, governmental, utilities and
institutional uses communal found in unincorporated rural communities.
o Storage facilities are not permitted in R- 2 zoning districts.
o Storage facilities are permitted in F-1 zoning districts with a Special Use Class B permit.
o The owners want to build a mini-storage facility for their use and for rental by tenants and 0thers.
o Parcels adjacent to the subject parcel are in F-1 and A-1 zoning districts.
o A Zoning district change to F-1 would not be spot zoning.
Plan Commission Recommendation:
o Approve the Zoning District change as supported by the Findings.
Chairman’s Report:
Park Update
Old, outdated and unsafe slides were removed at the park
Mowing was completed for the last time
Water is shut off
Road Maintenance
Preliminary planning and work has begun on the Airport Road LRIP project.
Marking for core samples, and aerial mapping has begun and will continue through fall and early spring.
Mowing was completed on Airport back (Kaukamo to Co Hwy B) for surveying project.
Last Friday the drone survey was completed.
Ground survey has been completed.
Update on North Hissa Road ditching project
Xcel Energy has completed moving the power poles on North Hissa Road. The road crew has completed the brushing and tree removal as needed
Olson Bros. is scheduled to start ditching October 21st.
Gravel on roads - 57 loads left, holding 40 loads for North Hissa lift after ditching
Work prepping for winter has begun, I.E., checking equipment, plows, wings, worry spots on the roads
Fixed turn-around on Goetsch Road
Working with Town of Cloverland on ditching County Line Rd
Fall mowing operations continued
Grading and repairs on-going. Mike and Jeremy worked this past weekend grading roads to take advantage of the softer conditions with the rain
Routine maintenance on equipment as scheduled and needed
Recycling Center
Communications with Christine Johnson indicates the new set-up is working well but we do need signage to keep the public better informed of what materials we can accept and what we cannot accept.
Hauled appliances to Chicago Iron, more to go yet as time allows
Town Chair attended the WTA unit meeting held on September 23 in the Town of Pilsen. Presentations were given by Ruth Hulstrum regarding updating the zoning regulations in Bayfield County, the new
emergency services coordinator and combining Ashland and Bayfield County dispatch services as well as discussion on splitting the two county unit meeting into separate entities i.e. each county would have their own representation. Candidates for election also spoke about their platforms.
Community Groups:
Carissa Mundy – Roads not being graded and posting a speed limit for 25mph by their home
School District Referendum Presentation:
Dani Mikula, South Shore School District Administrator was available for questions on the upcoming school building/improvement referendum.
New Business:
Yellow B LLC (Sandi Eberhard, Authorized Agent) Requesting a Rezone from R-2 to F-1 to Allow the Potential for Future Construction of a Storage Facility on One or Parcels – Section 28 T48N R9W; Parcel 1-27154 and Parcel 2-27156. Motion by Mattson, second by Burhans to approve the Zoning District change from R-2 to F-1 as recommended by the Plan Commission. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Park Projects:
Information on toilets has not been received. Tabled.
Bayfield County Planning & Zoning Dept. Regarding Notice of Violation of the Code of Or-dinances and SPS 383.32 (1) (f) of WI Administrative Code
Bayfield County Highway Department – Bayfield County Policy – ATV/UTV on County Trunk Highways
Bayfield County Planning & Zoning - Bayfield County Planning & Zoning Committee Public Hearing and Minutes - October 17, 2024 at 4pm – Bayfield County Courthouse
Set Dates for Next Meeting/s:
November 10, 2024 – Budget Committee meeting – 6pm
November 13, 2024 – Regular Board meeting – 6:45pm, bills reviewed at 6:30pm
Motion by Mattson to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:25pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Diana Reijo, Clerk