A Regular Meeting of the Town Board of Oulu will be held in the Town Hall on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 6:45 pm. Bills will be reviewed at 6:30 p.m.
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of agenda
4. Consent agenda:
4.1 Approval of bills for payment
4.2 Approval of minutes from previous meeting/s:
August 9, 2023 regular board meeting and August 23, 2023 special board meeting
5. Treasurer’s Report
6. Plan Commission Report: Fred Strand
7. Chairman’s Report
8. Community Groups as Pre-registered*
*Preregistration may take place directly before the meeting begins. Due to public notice requirements, Board Members will not discuss issues presented through audience participation.
9. New Business:
9.1 Approve Notice of Public Hearing for the Comprehensive Plan Update
9.2 Discuss/Consider Pre-Buy Propane Contract
9.3 Discuss/Consider Snowplowing Regulations/Fees/Contract
9.4 Discuss Bayfield County Health Department Sanitary Survey Report
9.5 Discuss/Consider LRIP Project/s
10. Correspondence:
10.1 Bayfield County Clerk – Approve Proposed Amendment to Title 13-1-26 and Title 13-1-62A Amendment
11. Set dates for next meeting/s
12. Adjournment
Notice Posted: September 11, 2023 Oulu Town Hall & Town Web Site: ouluwisconsin.com
BY: Diana Reijo, Clerk