The February 14, 2024 Town of Oulu regular board meeting was called to order by Jonathan Hamilton, Chair at 4:30pm at the Town Hall.
Roll Call: Members present: Jon Hamilton, Ed Burhans, Adam Mattson, Diana Reijo, clerk, and Margie Lahti, treasurer. Town employee/s: Mike Davidson and Jeremy Gordon.
Approval of Agenda: Motion by Burhans, second by Mattson to approve the agenda as printed and posted. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Consent Agenda:
Approve general fund vouchers 14110-14159 ACH 615-619 and Tax Account 917-939
Minutes of the January 10, 2024 Regular Board Meeting
Motion by Mattson, second by Burhans to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Treasurer’s Report: General/ARPA/Park Donations – $229,911.19 Tax $ 100,691.52
Chairman’s Report:
Park/Cemetery/Town Hall Update:
No updates, all closed down
Recycling Center
We are over full and needed to stop taking metal and appliances until this problem is solved continuing to research with Waste Management, CWO and others for options.
Road Maintenance
New tools were purchased and delivered. Road crew is eternally grateful for this
Building shelves in shop and organizing
Finding more unused equipment parts that will be placed on auction site and sold
Clearing what little ice and snow we have had
Started grading roads again this past week. will continue as frost permits
Emergency road weight limits are in place
Attended 6-20ft bridge seminar
No word on BIL grant for Oulu Rock Road and no word on LRIP grant for Airport Road
Landfill – temporarily not accepting any appliances, electronics, tires or scrap metal. Only accepting household garbage and recycling items.
Community Groups:
Jonathan Nelson – cattle crossing signs on Rankinson Road
New Business:
Jon / Cindy Luzzatto Property Tax Claim:
Motion by Mattson, second by Hamilton to authorize a refund of $2,917.46 for real estate taxes assessed and paid in error to Jon & Cindy Luzzatto. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.'
Small Bridge / Culvert Selection:
Motion by Mattson, second by Burhans to utilize our employees to inventory and input data on the 6-20ft bridges and culverts in our township. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Discussion held on items being brought to the landfill. We are temporarily not accepting any appliances, electronics, tires, or scrap metal. Only accepting household garbage and recycling items. Jon Hamilton continues to research with Waste Management, CWO and others for options.
Motion by Mattson, second by Burhans to approve the purchase of 1-38ft double gate to replace the existing gates. Jon Hamilton will be in contact with Dairyland Fence Company. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Bayfield County Wellness Initiative:
Discussion held regarding the Bayfield County Wellness Initiative Grant. Motion by Mattson, second by Burhans to apply for the Wellness Initiative grant. Adam Mattson, Margie Lahti, and Diana Reijo will write a grant supporting infrastructure for physical activity, promoting health and wellness in the community.
Discussed park maintenance including general maintenance, repairing concession stand, dugouts, toilets, etc.
Motion by Mattson, second by Burhans to accept a lower bid price of $11,100 for the groomer and $1,300 for the plow. Motion carried by voice vote.
Bayfield County Clerk – Ordinance Amendment – Amending Title 13-1-35; 13-1-4(a), 13-1-62(a)
Bayfield County Clerk – Ordinance Amendment – Amending Title 2024-01 – Amending Sections 13-1-21 (e)(1) and 13-1-22(b)(5b) of the Bayfield County Code of Ordinances
Northwood Technical College – Northwood Tech Board Appointment
Northwest Regional Planning Commission – Rehabilitation Housing Funding Available
Bayfield County Clerk – David/Patti Lindelof Life Estates - Intent to Cut Timber Products
Delmore Consulting – 6-20 Foot Culvert Inventory
Set Dates for Next Meeting/s:
March 13, 2024 - Regular Board meeting – 6:45pm, bills reviewed at 6:30pm.
Motion by Mattson, second by Burhans to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 5:05pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Diana Reijo, Clerk