The November 8, 2023 Town of Oulu regular board meeting was called to order by Jonathan Hamilton, Chair at 6:57 p.m. at the Town Hall.
Roll Call: Members present: Jon Hamilton, Ed Burhans, Adam Mattson, Diana Reijo, clerk, and Margie Lahti, treasurer. Town employee/s: Mike Davidson and Jeremy Gordon.
Approval of Agenda: Motion by Burhans, second by Mattson to approve the agenda as printed and posted. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Consent Agenda:
Approve general fund vouchers 14059-14078 ACH 603-607
October 11, 2023 Regular Board Meeting
Motion by Mattson, second by Burhans to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Treasurer’s Report: General/ARPA/Park Donations – $258,064.04 Tax $ 1,673.48
Chairman’s Report:
Park/Cemetery/Town Hall Update:
Park well pump electrical fittings have been repaired
Town hall door replacement has been completed
Loose and leaking gas pipe on heater was found and repaired
Road Maintenance:
County Line – driveway culvert was replaced as part of reconstruction of road
Continued laying gravel and grading on town roads. Korpi, North Muskeg, Eastview east of Air-port Road and Hollander were graded
Sand traps on Eastview Road have been dug out and repaired, one left to do
Shoulder gravel repairs are on-going
Cracks under bridges have been caulked
Missing road signs and dead-end signs have been put up
Spare culverts were ordered and delivered
On-going winterizing equipment and maintenance
Repair work on dump truck has been completed
Pick-up truck hub work is in progress
Tires on road grader were replaced
New plow delivery scheduled for November 9th
Continued work on LRIP grant, signed paperwork was sent to Emmer Shields for review
BIL grant has been resubmitted for Oulu Rock Road rebuild
Follow-up with DNR on Oulu Pioneer Road grant indicates it’s in process
Muskeg road grant is waiting on DNR contact with County and State agencies
Bayfield County Sheriff’s Department contacted regarding housing issue on Boulevard Road
Community Groups:
No community groups registered at this time.
Plan Commission Report: Fred Strand
Special Use Permit application:
40-acre parcel in the SW1/4 NW1/4 Section 36; 6100 Lauste Road
Allow conversion of an existing milk house into a short term rental
Tax ID parcel number is 27330
Parcel is zoned Agriculture 1
Owners: Jonathan and Kimberly Hamilton
Parcel Future Land Use Class is Agricultural Core which allows the maximum density of 1 building unit complex per 35 acres.
The Town’s Comprehensive Plan does not address short term rentals.
The Special Use Permit application to convert an existing milk house into a Short Term Rental is consistent with the zoning classification of this parcel and does not conflict with the Town’s Comprehensive Plan or the Future Land Use Class for the parcel.
The owners will also have to obtain a short term rental permit from the Bayfield County Health Department
Plan Commission Recommendation:
Approve the Special Use Permit application with the following conditions as supported by the Findings.
No change in the permit application proposal is allowed without review by the Town Plan Commission and approval of the Town Board.
The owners also have to obtain a short term rental permit from the Bayfield County Health Department and any other required County permits
The Town may periodically review the Special Use Permit to assure compliance with the permit conditions and the Town’s Comprehensive Plan.
New Business:
Jonathan & Kimberly Hamilton Special Use Request to Convert Milkhouse into a Short-Term Rental:
Motion by Mattson second by Burhans to approve the Special Use Request as supported by the find-ings and three conditions. Abstain: Hamilton. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Adopt the Comprehensive Plan Update:
Motion by Mattson, second by Burhans to adopt the Comprehensive Plan Update as presented. Mo-tion carried unanimously by voice vote.
2023-01 Ordinance to Adopt the Town of Oulu Comprehensive Plan Update:
Motion by Mattson, second by Burhans to adopt Ordinance 2023-01 Town of Oulu Comprehensive Plan Update as presented. Yes: Burhans, Hamilton, Mattson. No: None. Abstain: None. Motion car-ried by roll call vote.
SIMPLE IRA for Employee/s:
Motion by Burhans, second by Hamilton to approve a matching contribution to each eligible employee’s
SIMPLE equal to the employee’s salary reduction contribution up to a limit of 3% of the employee’s wage
towards a SIMPLE IRA for next year (2024). Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Treasurer’s Bonding:
Motion by Burhans, second by Mattson to purchase a tax bond for Marjorie Lahti, town treasurer to the
Bayfield County Treasurer in the amount of the state and county taxes apportioned to the Town of Ou-lu.
Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Managed Forest Law – Transfer Order from Robert Rautio to Jacob Rautio:
The information on the Order is accurate so no action will be taken.
Center – Final Estimate Population, January 1, 2023 – 560
Services Bayfield County Board – Amendatory Ordinance No. 2023-14 –Section 1-1-16, of the Code of Ordinances
Set Dates for Next Meeting/s:
November 12, 2023 - Budget Workshop Meeting – 6 p.m. at the town hall
December 6, 2023 – Public Hearing beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the town hall
December 6, 2023 – Special Meeting of the Electors following adjournment of the Public Hearing
December 6, 2023 - Regular Board meeting following adjournment of the Special Meeting of the Electors
Motion by Hamilton to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Diana Reijo, Clerk