The May 10, 2023 Board of Review was called to order by Jonathan Hamilton, Chair at 4:30 p.m. at the town hall. The meeting had been properly publicized in compliance with the Wisconsin Open Meeting Law.
Roll call:
Members present: Jonathan Hamilton, Adam Mattson, Diana Reijo, clerk, Marjorie Lahti, alternate, and assessors Robert & Perri Campbell. Absent: Ed Burhans.
Proof of publication:
Diana Reijo, clerk stated the board of review and open book notice was posted on April 21, 2023 at the Oulu Town Hall and town website on April 21, 2023.
Election of chairperson:
Motion by Reijo, second by Mattson to nominate Jonathan Hamilton as chairperson. Motion by Reijo, second by Mattson to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Jonathan Hamilton as chairperson. Roll call vote: YES: Hamilton, Mattson, Reijo. NO: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: Burhans. Motion carried by roll call vote.
Election of vice-chair:
Motion by Reijo, second by Hamilton to nominate Adam Mattson as vice-chair. Motion by Reijo, second by Hamilton to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Adam Mattson as vice-chair. Roll call vote: YES: Hamilton, Mattson, Reijo. NO: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: Burhans. Motion carried by roll call vote.
Verification of mandatory training:
Clerk’s affidavit was read verifying that Diana Reijo (May 1, 2023) and Adam Mattson (May 1, 2023) viewed the Department of Revenue Board of Review training program. Certification expires in 2024.
Verification of Confidentiality of Income and Expenses Ordinance:
Clerk verified the Town of Oulu has an Ordinance 15-03 Relating to Confidentiality of Income and Expenses Provided to Assessor for Assessment Purposes.
Filing and summary of Annual Assessment Report by assessor’s office:
Perri Campbell submitted the assessor’s Annual Assessment Report for the 2023. Assessors stated the notices for change of assessment were mailed out on April 18, 2023.
Receipt of the assessment roll:
Perri and Robert Campbell presented the 2023 Assessment Roll to the clerk.
Receipt of assessment roll and sworn statements from the assessor:
The clerk received the assessment roll and sworn affidavit statements.
Assessment Roll and statutory duties:
Members of the Board of Review examined the assessment roll checking for omitted property, double assessment property and correct descriptions.
Certify all corrections of error under state law:
Board members certified there were no corrections or errors.
Open book changes are included in the assessment roll:
Perri Campbell, assessor stated there were no open book changes.
Taxpayers examine assessment roll:
Board of Review examined the assessment roll.
Consideration of:
Waivers of the required 48-hour notice of intent to file an objection when there is good cause:
No waivers filed.
Requests for waiver of the BOR hearing allowing the property owner an appeal directly to circuit court – No requests filed.
Requests to testify by telephone or submit sworn written statement - No requests filed.
Subpoena requests - No requests filed.
Act on any other legally allowed/required Board of Review matters – No other matters
Review Notices of Intent to File Objection. No notices filed.
Proceed to hear objections, if any and if proper notice/waivers given unless scheduled for another date: No objections filed.
Consider/act on scheduling additional Board of Review date(s) – N/A
Motion by Mattson, second by Hamilton to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Diana Reijo, Clerk