The April 18, 2023 Town of Oulu annual meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the town hall by Jonathan Hamilton, Chairman.
The annual meeting notice was posted at the Town Hall and town website on April 5, 2023.
Chair Hamilton stated voting will be conducted by a show of hands.
Motion by Ken Rantala, second by Margie Lahti to approve the minutes of the April 19, 2022 annual meeting and December 8, 2022 special meeting of the electors as presented. Yes: 9. No: None. Abstain: 0. Motion carried by a show of hands.
Motion by Ed Burhans, second by Ken Rantala to dispense with the reading of the financial statement as everyone in attendance had a copy. Yes: 9. No: None. Abstain: 0. Motion carried by a show of hands.
Discussion followed. Motion by Ken Rantala, second by Ed Burhans to accept the financial statement as presented. Yes: 9. No: None. Abstain: 0. Motion carried by a show of hands.
Chairman’s Report:
Gravel was spread on the following roads:
Copper Hill 10 loads
Elonen 4 loads
Erkkilla 2 loads
Goetsch 21 loads
Hollander 48 loads
Hoover Line 30 loads
Lauri 3 loads
Lauste 5 loads
Muskeg 40 loads
N Hissa 2 loads
Oulu Pioneer 5 loads
Pudas 10 loads
Range Line 5 loads
Taipale 5 loads
Waataja Rd 5 loads
Wrapped up north Airport Road project with new pavement and pavement repairs due to contractor errors
Installed new heaters in the town hall
Constructed a new ramp at the town hall
New doors for town hall will be installed this spring
Wi-Fi was installed in the town hall
Town applied for 6 grants this past year – 4 grants for roads through the BIL (Bipartisan Infrastructure Law) Airport Road north of B, Bain Road, Boulevard Road, County Line (applied again for this road in 2023), and Oulu Rock Road
2 grants for culvert replacement through Bayfield County Highway Commission. We were awarded both
Bain culvert completed last fall with new 3foot (36 inch) x 40-foot squash-pipe culvert with 12-inch lift
Erkkila Road to be completed this spring with 6 foot (72 inch) x 60 foot, squash-pipe culvert with 6-inch lift
On-going work by the Town Plan Commission on the Town Comprehensive Plan to meet County deadlines for the County Comprehensive Plan
Goals for this year:
Complete Erkkila Road culvert project
Repair roads as necessary from spring flooding
Make decisions within budget to deal with (or not) 4 asphalt roads, Oulu Rock Road, Airport, Boulevard, County Line Roads
Continue to apply for road grants to assist in repairs and upgrade for current and future traffic
Begin to put in place a rotational 5-year plan for road maintenance and rebuilding with assistance of WISLR rating system and advisement of town consulting engineer. This will apply to asphalt as well as gravel roads. This is a roving target dependent on many factors such as budget, condition of roads, grant awards, etc.
Continue to write and codify town policies for guidance of residents and future town decisions
Continue to work on park improvements with specific advisement by the Park Ad Hoc Committee as recommended and within budget and fundraising allowances
Continue to look for inexpensive ways to improve security at the Town Landfill as needed, appropriate, and within budget allowances
Other items addressed as needed and established by the Board throughout the year. These could be anything related to equipment repair, replacement, budgeting, and planning, or any other business the town needs to address, etc.
Motion by Ken Rantala, second by Ed Burhans to designate Security State Bank as the town depository. Yes: 9. No: None. Abstain: 0. Motion carried by a show of hands.
Motion by Ken Rantala, second by Margie Lahti to appoint Bonnie Rantala, Leanna Pudas, Marla Lahti, Carol Kangas, Amy Rantala to the audit committee. Yes: 9. No: None. Abstain: 0. Motion carried by a show of hands.
Motion by Margie Lahti, second by Ken Rantala to set the 2024 annual meeting date for Tuesday, April 16, 2024. Yes: 9. No: None. Abstain: 0. Motion carried by a show of hands.
Motion by Margie Lahti, second by Ken Rantala to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diana Reijo, Clerk
Note: Minutes posted at Oulu Transfer Site, Oulu Pines, Town Hall and Town website on April 22, 2023.