Register Voters: 424
Votes cast: 241 (32 voted absentee)
New voter registrations - 2
124 Janet C. Protasiewicz
115 Daniel Kelly
0 Write-in
81 Tim Ciembronowicz
133 Jonathon Hamilton
151 Adam Mattson
143 Ed Burhans
20 Write-in - Tim Ciembronowicz
206 Diana Reijo
207 Marjorie Lahti
South Shore School District Board:
Town of Bell:
162 Justine Broderson
Town of Oulu:
185 Terry Burhans
Town of Port Wing:
All write-ins:
24 Rebecca Kavajecz
1 Michael Ostrenga
1 Jacob Hipsher
1 Craig Johnson
1 Clendon Gustafson
1 Marie Mattson
1 Amy LaFontaine
1 Walter Warner
1 Kenneth Bodeen
1 Icabod Russell Bailey
1 Mickey Mouse
3 No Counts
School District of Maple School Board:
2 Steven P. Probst
3 Katherine Brunette
1 Dan Diamon
0 James Streveler
0 Vince Hursh
3 Daniel Cowley
0 Write-in
Question 1: “Conditions of release before conviction. Shall section 8 (2) of article l of the constitution be amended to allow a court to impose on an accused person being released before conviction conditions that are designed to protect the community from serious harm?
Yes: 119 No: 106
Question 2: “Cash bail before conviction. Shall section 8 (2) of article l of the constitution be amended to allow a court to impose cash bail on a person accused of a violent crime based on the totality of the circumstances, including the accused’s previous convictions for a violent crime, the probability that the accused will fail to appear, the need to protect the community from serious harm and prevent witness intimidation, and potential affirmative defenses?”
Yes: 126 No: 96
Question 3: “Shall able-bodied childless adults be required to look for work in order to receive taxpayer-funded welfare benefits?”
Yes: 184 No: 43